Friday, October 24, 2008

The Czech Scarf

I really like wearing scarves. Yes, I am from a desert where the temperature rarely gets cold enough to validate wearing one, but never the less i own a ridiculous amount of scarves. I even wear them with T-shirts, which didn't used to be cool when I first started doing it, but is now acceptable, especially if paired with some skinny legged jeans and an indie looking shirt. I still don't have the skinny legged jeans thing down (believe me, I have tried) but I can really rock a scarf with confidence and I listen to indie music, so that should count. Right?

Well, when I am in a new culture I like to acculturate myself through picking up on the fashion of the country. In Guatemala this was a challenge considering it would have been slightly offensive, not to mention ridiculous, for me to wear traditional Mayan costume, but here it is different. Anyways, of all the "in" fashions here in the Czech my favorite is the "druggie" scarf (named so because it is generally associated with hippies and druggies who often wear them. I have always wanted to be a hippie, at least in theory, so this is great for me). I finally bought one and have felt instantly more Czech, and, if I say so myself,  look pretty cool when I wear it. That is depending on your definition of cool. These scarves are everywhere here. Absolutely everywhere.  It is like a symbol of Czech youth and style. However, this scarf seems to be showing up other places also.

Last night I was watching Heroes, my one connection to American popular culture, when what do I see? A czech scarf! One character is banished to some unnamed remote part of Africa
where he is approached by an African (I know this term is really broad, but I don't know specifically where he is from) man wearing wearing a Czech scarf (See picture).
Obviously, this scarf is not exclusive to the Czech Republic. In fact, I know that its origins are of another country, I am told Egypt (that makes sense) but still, I was so excited to see it being rocked out on the show. Yes, the scarf is officially cool now and apparently very versatile. If the African man can wear the Czech scarf in the desert, then I can work it in AZ for sure. Wait a minute, I will be in Colorado. Oh, well, I guess the point is that I am bringing this fashion home. The perfect Czech/African/American accessory whether hot or cold. 


Michelle Condon Sauncy said...

Ok, so I haven't watcher Heroes at all this semester. How is it this season? Is it worth renting after i graduate - to detox my brain from schooling?

Jamz 2007 said...

those palitos or whatever they are were very popular in morocco and spain too! crazy. i almost bought one but for this one girl who was offended by them for some odd reason. i still wish i would have gotten one, but ahh well. ;)